Monday, January 6, 2014

Long Beach Elections 2014: District 3

This is election year for Long Beach, including the post of Mayor and key councilmember seats.

In addition to the 9 candidates for Mayor, there are 3 candidates for City Attorney, 2 for City Prosecutor, 5 candidates for District 1, 4 for District 5, 5 for District 7 and 2 for District 9.

Also up for election this year is District 3, which includes CSULB, Belmont Shore, Belmont Heights, Alamitos Heights, the Peninsula, Bluff Park, Park Estates, Bixby Hill, La Marina Estates, Broadway Business District, University Park Estates, and other beautiful areas. 

District 3 map

The District has been well taken care of by Councilmember Gary DeLong, but he has termed out, so we will be voting on our next representative on April 8, 2014, with the elected candidates to take office on July 15th.  There are 7 declared candidates for District 3: Steven Bello, Lionel Gatley, Martha Gibson, Jim Lewis, Susan Price, Jack Rosenberg and Bill Ruzgis.

The La Marina Estates neighborhood will be hosting a Candidate Forum for District 3, moderated by Gazette editor Harry Saltzgaver, on Wednesday, January 29th, at Hill Classical Middle School, located at 1100 Iroquois Avenue in Long Beach.  The forum will be from 7-9p and will include introductory remarks from each candidate, as well as their plans to move the City forward.

If you live in District 3 or are interested in what goes on there, please join us that evening to meet the candidates and decide whom you would like to see represent you on City Council.  If you live in one of the other Districts, you can stay informed on local election activities through your District's website, available on

And, of course, if you're looking to move into one of the Districts, I can help! 

"Nobody will ever deprive the American people of the right to vote except the American people themselves and the only way they could do this is by not voting." - Franklin D. Roosevelt

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